This is a mirror of the test files hosted by thinkbroadband so that they can be downloaded by our customers directly from us.
These files are provided to help users test their download speeds from our servers. You can also run a speed test however downloading files may be useful if you want to do so from different tools.
Please be aware that downloading these files will count towards your download usage allowances imposed by your broadband provider and the large files may use up a large proportion of this if you only have a small allowance (1GB - 3GB for example). We suggest only testing the large files if you have a connection speed faster than 10 Mbps.
Click the file you want to download to start the download process. If the download does not start you may have to right click on the size and select "Save Target As". These files will automatically use IPv6 if available, but you can select the IPv4 or IPv6 links to force it as required.
NOTE: We provide these download files primarily for UK broadband users; although we do not prohibit their use by others, we do not allow scripted/automated download of these files. Our systems routinely block repetitive attempts which we believe are automated or abusive. If you get an 'unauthorised' error message, you can contact us (please include your IP address when contacting us).
IPv4 Port: 80, 81, 8080
IPv6 Port: 80, 81, 8080
70 mins @ 2 Mbps
17 mins @ 8 Mbps
5 mins @ 30 Mbps
3 mins @ 60 Mbps
75 secs @ 120 Mbps
IPv4 Port: 80, 81, 8080
IPv6 Port: 80, 81, 8080
35 mins @ 2 Mbps
9 mins @ 8 Mbps
3 mins @ 30 Mbps
70 secs @ 60 Mbps
35 secs @ 120 Mbps
IPv4 Port: 80, 81, 8080
IPv6 Port: 80, 81, 8080
14 mins @ 2 Mbps
4 mins @ 8 Mbps
1 mins @ 30 Mbps
27 secs @ 60 Mbps
14 secs @ 120 Mbps
IPv4 Port: 80, 81, 8080
IPv6 Port: 80, 81, 8080
8 mins @ 2 Mbps
2 mins @ 8 Mbps
27 secs @ 30 Mbps
14 secs @ 60 Mbps
7 secs @ 120 Mbps
IPv4 Port: 80, 81, 8080
IPv6 Port: 80, 81, 8080
4 mins @ 2 Mbps
1 min @ 8 Mbps
14 secs @ 30 Mbps
7 secs @ 60 Mbps
4 secs @ 120 Mbps
IPv4 Port: 80, 81, 8080
IPv6 Port: 80, 81, 8080
80 secs @ 2 Mbps
20 secs @ 8 Mbps
6 secs @ 30 Mbps
3 secs @ 60 Mbps
1.5 secs @ 120 Mbps
MB=Megabyte; GB=Gigabyte; (there are 8 bits in a Byte)
These files are made of random data, and although listed as zip files, will appear to be corrupt if you try and open them. MD5SUMS are available for these files.